第五届环境资源与能源工程国际学术会议(ICEREE 2025)圆满落幕
2025 5th International Conference on Environment Resources and Energy Engineering came to a successful end.
2025年2月22日,由河南大学地理科学与工程学部支持的第五届环境资源与能源工程国际学术会议(ICEREE 2025)在云南昆明成功举办。本次会议汇聚了来自国内外的机电领域的科学专家、研究人员和学者,旨在探讨当前环境资源与能源工程领域的最新研究成果和实践经验。
2025 5th International Conference on Environment Resources and Energy Engineering (ICEREE 2025), supported by the Faculty of Geographical Science and Engineering, Henan University, was successfully held on February 22, 2025 in Kunming, Yunnan Province. The conference brought together scientific experts, researchers and scholars in the field of E&E from home and abroad, aiming to discuss the latest research results and practical experiences in the current field of environmental resources and energy engineering.
At the beginning of the meeting, Hunan FuRong Youth Scholars, Hunan University Associate Professor Wen Jia presided over the opening ceremony of the meeting, expressed a warm welcome to the participating experts and scholars, and wished the conference a complete success.
Prof. Richard Haynes, The University of Queensland
Speech Title: Engineered Soil - a Bulk Use for Bauxite Processing Waste
在主讲报告环节,来自澳大利亚昆士兰大学的Richard Haynes教授发表了题为“Engineered Soil - a Bulk Use for Bauxite Processing Waste”的主讲报告,深入探讨了在铝土矿加工废弃物处理中的土壤工程应用,为资源循环利用提供了创新思路。
In the keynote speech, Prof. Richard Haynes from the University of Queensland, Australia, delivered a keynote speech entitled “Engineered Soil - a Bulk Use for Bauxite Processing Waste”, which discussed in depth the application of soil engineering in bauxite processing waste treatment and provided innovative ideas for resource recycling. Professor Richard Haynes of the University of Queensland delivered a lecture entitled “Engineered Soil - a Bulk Use for Bauxite Processing Waste”, which discussed in depth the application of soil engineering in bauxite processing waste treatment and provided innovative ideas for resource recycling.
Assoc. Prof. Jia Wen, Hunan University
Speech Title: Controllable Preparation of Multiscale Functional Materials for Efficient Remediation of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Environment
湖南大学文嘉副教授也分享了她的研究成果,报告题目为“Controllable Preparation of Multiscale Functional Materials for Efficient Remediation of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Environment”。她详细介绍了多尺度功能材料的可控制备及其在环境重金属污染修复中的高效应用,为环境污染治理提供了新的技术路径。
Associate Professor Wen Jia of Hunan University also shared her research results, with a presentation entitled “Controllable Preparation of Multiscale Functional Materials for Efficient Remediation of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Environment”. She introduced the controllable preparation of Multiscale Functional Materials for Efficient Remediation of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Environment, which provides a new technological path for environmental pollution control.
Prof. Nur Islami, University of Riau
Speech Title: A Valuable Approach to Study Groundwater Contamination in a Shallow Aquifer System
此外,来自印度尼西亚廖内大学的Nur Islami教授通过线上方式发表了题为“A Valuable Approach to Study Groundwater Contamination in a Shallow Aquifer System”的主讲报告,聚焦浅层含水层系统的地下水污染研究,提出了具有实践价值的解决方案。
In addition, Prof. Nur Islami from Riau University, Indonesia, delivered an online presentation entitled “A Valuable Approach to Study Groundwater Contamination in a Shallow Aquifer System”. A Valuable Approach to Study Groundwater Contamination in a Shallow Aquifer System”, focusing on groundwater contamination study in a shallow aquifer system and proposing solutions with practical value.
Prof. Yasin Orooji, Zhejiang Normal University
Speech Title: MBenes and MXenes: For Environmental Remediation
浙江师范大学的Yasin Orooji教授同样以线上形式分享了“MBenes and MXenes: For Environmental Remediation”的报告,探讨了新型二维材料在环境修复中的应用前景。
Prof. Yasin Orooji from Zhejiang Normal University also shared his presentation “MBenes and MXenes: For Environmental Remediation” in an online format, discussing the prospects for the application of new 2D materials in environmental remediation.
Prof. Hongquan Song, Henan University
Speech Title: Numerical Simulation and Application of Regional Climate-Air Pollution-Ecosystem Interactions
河南大学宋宏权教授的线上报告“Numerical Simulation and Application of Regional Climate-Air Pollution-Ecosystem Interactions”则聚焦区域气候、空气污染与生态系统相互作用的数值模拟与应用,为区域环境管理提供了科学依据。
The online report “Numerical Simulation and Application of Regional Climate-Air Pollution-Ecosystem Interactions” by Prof. Hongquan Song from Henan University focuses on The online presentation “Numerical Simulation and Application of Regional Climate-Air Pollution-Ecosystem Interactions” focuses on the numerical simulation and application of regional climate, air pollution and ecosystem interactions, which provides scientific basis for regional environmental management.
In addition, the conference conducted an oral presentation session to showcase the research results of a new generation of scholars.
(1) Shigang Yan, China Foreign Affairs University
Speech Title: Dynamic Evolution of Trade Export Structure of Chinese Electric Vehicle
(2) Cuiping Ning, University of Science and Technology Liaoning
Speech Title:Characterization of Natural and Anthropogenic Dissolved Organic Matter in the Yangtze River Basin Using FT-ICR MS
(3) MUHAMMAD MUJAHID, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Speech Title: Synergistic Optimization of Membrane Distillation-Reverse Electrodialysis for Sustainable Desalination and Salinity Gradient Power Generation
(4) Yanping Zhang, Guilin University of Technology
Speech Title: MOFs-derived Co3O4@MnOx Hollow-Sphere Structure Catalysts for Photothermocatalysis of Acetone and NO
(5) Yipeng He, China University of Petroleum (East China)
Speech Title: Preparation and Performance Investigation of Inorganic Fiber Aerogels Based on MTMS
(6) Jia Bi, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) at Karamay
Speech Title: Research Progress on the Application of Synergistic Effects of Alkali and Surfactants in Oil-Solid Separation
(7) Tianyou Hu, Guilin University of Technology
Speech Title: Synergistic Optimization of Membrane Distillation-Reverse Electrodialysis for Sustainable Desalination and Salinity Gradient Power Generation
(8) Lei Zhang, Henan Polytechnic University
Speech Title: Study on the Influencing Factors of Nitrogen Removal Performance in Anammox Reactor
(9) Qian Wang, Southwest Petroleum University
Speech Title: Life Cycle Water Consumption and Water Footprint Assessment of Shale Oil in China
(10) Dewei Huang, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Speech Title: Numerical Simulation of the Denitrification Process in the Sintering Flue Gas SCR Reactor and Optimization of the Ammonia Injection Process
(11) Haozheng Qin, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Speech Title: Performance Evaluation on the Factors Affecting the Heat Extraction Performance of Deep Coaxial Borehole Heat Exchanger
(12) Xiaoxuan Chen, China University of Petroleum (East China)
Speech Title: Structural Simulation Study of Oil, Gas and Water Separation Equipment
(13) Yujuan Ma, Xi’an University of Technology
Speech Title: Simulation Research on High Quality Development of Ecological Tourism in Rural Communities in Natural Protected Areas—take Langshidang Village in Huzhu County as an Example
(1) Conference Site
(2) Conference Site
随着各项议程的顺利完成,第五届环境资源与能源工程国际学术会议(ICEREE 2025)圆满落下帷幕。会议不仅为与会者提供了一个高质量的学术交流平台,也为推动相关领域的科研进步和技术创新做出了积极贡献。我们期待下一届会议能够再次汇聚全球智慧,共同开启环境资源与能源工程的新篇章。
With the successful completion of the agenda, 2025 5th International Conference on Environment Resources and Energy Engineering (ICEREE 2025) came to a successful conclusion. The conference has not only provided a high-quality academic exchange platform for the participants, but also made a positive contribution to the promotion of scientific research progress and technological innovation in related fields. We are looking forward to the next conference, which will gather global wisdom again and open a new chapter of environmental resources and energy engineering together.